Riverside Kids exists to establish a firm foundation in God’s word and to train disciples who will make disciples. Our volunteers will do this by teaching the entire Word of God.  We believe it is important to teach God’s Word to children in an exciting yet practical way. Our volunteers will use the Gospel Project curriculum to accomplish this. 

SUNDAY, MAY 12 | Paul Became a Christian


MEMORY VERSE: God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17

BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who can be saved? Anyone who trusts in Jesus is forgiven of their sins.

CHRIST CONNECTION: Jesus appeared to Saul and changed him inside and out. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus called Saul, who was once an enemy to Christians, to spend the rest of his life telling people the gospel and leading them to trust in Jesus.

The Acts 9 story of how Saul of Tarsus came to be a follower of Jesus is a widely known passage that reveals an essential truth for us as believers: God has the power to transform the hearts and lives of anyone who places their faith in Him. The power of the Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out, and the same Lord who transformed Saul causes us to walk in new life when we turn to Christ. 

Nothing in Saul’s story—not even the wrongful executions and imprisonment of Christ’s disciples—was too big for God to forgive by grace through faith in His Son, Jesus. Through his experience on the road to Damascus, Saul realized the weight of his own sin, the power of this mighty God, and the only chance he had in being made right before Him: surrendering his life to Jesus. Nothing Saul did could separate him from God’s love for him in Jesus. The same is true for us! 

Teach the children in your family that all of us, no matter how young or old we are, needed Jesus to come into the world to save us. The gospel transforms our hearts and propels us to share the life we’ve found in Jesus with all who will listen. How can you equip your family with the excitement and knowledge of Jesus Christ that will lead them to share of His love, just as Paul did?

Do you have questions? Reach out here